Jürgen Wirtgen Stiftung and Stefan Wirtgen Stiftung


More and more people in need, rising costs, compliance with hygiene measures – the Tafel in Asbach has its hands full, and not only as a result of the pandemic. Natural catastrophes, such as the floods or refugees from the wars, further aggravate the situation. As a result, more and more people are in need of support, and the supply of food sorted out by retailers is decreasing.

The Tafel in Asbach pursues the goal of distributing qualitatively impeccable food that is no longer used in the economic process to people in need based on the principle that only food is given out that the helpers would eat themselves, too. Currently, once a week on Thursdays, around 130 households are supported not only by distribution, but also by delivery if required. Through the distribution, about 600 people are supplied every week and about 1.8 tons of food are not thrown away but sensibly given to people in need.

With a total of €10,000, the Wirtgen Stiftungen support the exclusively voluntary helpers of the Tafel, whose commitment makes a major contribution to social cohesion. The association intends to use the donation to compensate for the increased costs and to modernise and expand its equipment in order to meet the increasing demand.