Jürgen Wirtgen Stiftung and Stefan Wirtgen Stiftung


Skateboarding or playing basketball, having fun on the slide or climbing, or simply partying are all activities that bring children and teenagers together. When a place like this is subject to intensive use over many years, the time eventually comes when – despite diligent care and maintenance – a complete renovation is due. And so it was for the Youth Centre in Neustadt-Rahms, which was renovated at the end of 2021 by the local residents, who volunteered 231 hours of their time for the project. The sanitary facilities were completely gutted and revamped, the roof recovered, two trees were planted and a play area with outdoor table tennis table constructed.

The much-needed (building) materials were financed by the Wirtgen Stiftungen, whose offices are situated just a few metres away. The Wirtgen Stiftungen have a special interest in supporting charitable projects and organisations in the local region, especially those with a focus on young people.

With the work completed, children and teenagers now have free access to an attractive recreational amenity in the Neustadt-Rahms district.