News: Social
By 25th February 2021, the time had finally come. The Aktionsgruppe ‘Kinder in Not’ e.V. has moved into its new headquarters in Neustadt (Wied), Germany. Here at the head office of WIRTGEN INVEST Holding GmbH, these social activities are supplemented by the Jürgen Wirtgen Stiftung and the Stefan Wirtgen Stiftung. This means there are now three institutions for social commitment located in a complete wing of the new office building of our family office.
The Aktionsgruppe ‘Kinder in Not’ e.V. currently maintains and supports with more than 50 aid projects in the Philippines, India and Brazil. This is done within the scope of projects that consistently help people help themselves.
In addition to targeted or open-ended donations, the work is based on several thousand sponsorships for children, adolescents and projects – sponsorships undertaken by individuals, families, schools, associations and companies.
In the case of the Aktionsgruppe ‘Kinder in Not’ e.V., 100 % of every euro donated, and of every amount received for sponsorships, reaches its destination – with no deductions for administrative expenses. This is possible only because many members volunteer their services, with all costs incurred borne by the Wirtgen Family or their foundations.
The Jürgen Wirtgen Stiftung and Stefan Wirtgen Stiftung are foundations under civil law. Based in Neustadt (Wied), these foundations use their own endowment income in pursuit of non-profit and charitable purposes. From 1st May 2021, these two foundations will be managed by a new employee.
The foundations have as their purposes the promotion of science and research, the provision of assistance to young people and the elderly, education and schooling, public health, the arts, nature conservation, sports and civic commitment on behalf of non-profit, charitable and ecclesiastical purposes. The support, which is provided exclusively through own resources, largely benefits the home region and is thus clearly distinguishable from the work of the Aktionsgruppe ‘Kinder in Not’, which also relies on donations.
Bundling all the social activities in the new family office underscores the Wirtgen Family’s long-standing commitment to dedicate itself to the needs of society above and beyond its own business activities.