Jürgen Wirtgen Stiftung and Stefan Wirtgen Stiftung

In the course of globalisation and digitalisation, society has developed into a cross-border and cross-continent society in recent years. In this context, communication and thus the English language are of essential importance. It is therefore all the more important to give children a feeling for the language of worldwide communication as early as possible and thus to break down barriers.
In the day care centre in Vettelschoß as well as in the kindergarten in Kalenborn, the different groups with a total of about 120 children aged 3-6 years playfully gain their first experiences with the international language.
A native speaker guides the children through a variety of situations, such as getting dressed for a visit to the playground, in an age-appropriate way and integrated into everyday life. Children’s games, rhymes or songs in English encourage the children to participate and give them a lot of fun and joy.
In order to promote education, the Wirtgen Stiftungen bear the costs for this offer and wish all children in Vettelschoß and Kalenborn continued enjoyment in their first experiences with the English language.